Thursday, 9 October 2014

VISCOM Students say Au Revoir with a spectacular exhibition!

Veni. Vidi. Vici.

We came, we saw, we conquered.

The 30th of October 2014 is a very special day, for it concludes three years of hard work, creative maturation, tears of both joy and sadness and massive personal growth for every individual third year Visual Communication student at Prestige Academy.

Since arriving fresh faced and eager to learn in early 2012, the third year VISCOM students have undergone a life-changing period in which we have broken down the barriers of what we thought we knew, achieved feats we never thought possible, forged life-long friendships and most importantly, learned a great deal about ourselves and what we are capable of (with a little impetus from our draconian yet loving lecturers!).

The design showcase on the 30th of October is a culmination of everything we have achieved, not only as designers, but also as people. It is on this evening that we conclude our student life and prepare to spread our wings and jump head first into the creative industry. Perhaps the most special aspect on show at the exhibition is how unique every student is; no two design stands will be remotely similar. This proves that we grew as a group, but matured as individuals.

The students will be exhibiting the practical aspect of their research dissertation. Every student chose a different topic to research and over the past 8 months have all gathered fascinating data covering a wide range of design topics. Every research project was unique, each with its own challenges and creative output on show at the exhibition.  

Join us on the 30th of October 2014. 18:30 for 19:00 at Prestige Academy for a design spectacle!

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